Forage Box - for rabbits and guinea pigs

Bunny Forage Box - Full of healthy treats for hours of entertaiment.
Usually Ships Within 3 Business Days
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Bunny Forage Box  - This little box is packed with lots of different bunny safe snacks and chews.  Just cut out the \"Mouse Hole\" as indicated on the side of the box, leaving the bottom flap intact.  Let your bunny work to dig out the treats inside.  Each box has different goodies which may include hay, willow, mallow, rose petal and twigs, fruit twigs and leaves, herbs, grape vines, banana chips, dried blueberries, pretzels, elm and more.


Each box will vary slightly depending on which ingredients are currently available.


Consider these boxes for Convention to keep your bunnies occupied.


WARNING: Some boxes may contain nuts

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